UCAS Induction
Year 13 Pupils to Register with UCAS for Return to School as Year 14
Due to lockdown Year 13 pupils and their parents/guardians missed out on the UCAS Information Evening. This is a very important meeting where you learn a lot about the UCAS application process and what is required. Other information covered relates to guidance on choosing a university and a university course, as well as important details on Student Finance.
The documents and presentations used at the UCAS Information Evening have been placed here on the school website to help you (and your parents/guardians) get to grips with UCAS and student finance. A summary of each document is also given below.
Please note that Year 13 pupils must make a start on their UCAS application over the summer. On return to school as a Year 14 pupil we normally spend time in the Assembly Hall and the computer rooms to help you make a start on your application but due to current social distancing arrangements we will not have the capacity to do this. Therefore you will need to use the linked documents to assist you in making a start on the application at home. Internal school deadlines and information regarding what is required by these dates are also provided within the linked documents.
1. UCAS - The UCAS Application Process (POWERPOINT)
- This presentation summarises how the UCAS process operates, considering how many courses you can apply to, offers, tariffs, decisions and results day.
2. Yr 14 UCAS initial presentation to pupils (POWERPOINT)
- This presentation is to be viewed alongside the Word document entitled ‘UCAS induction handout’.
It looks more specifically at how to complete the UCAS application online and has a step-by-step guide to follow. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS GUIDE TO THE LETTER! There is also a fake application for reference.
Also included in this presentation and associated Word document is information related to admissions tests and university interviews, as well as information on popular courses.
3. UCAS induction handout (WORD DOCUMENT)
- This is the Word document that should be used alongside the presentation above entitled ‘Yr 14 UCAS initial presentation to pupils (POWERPOINT)'.
4. UCAS – The Personal Statement (POWERPOINT)
- The personal statement always strikes fear into pupils! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow the guidance AND STRUCTURE set out in this presentation to help you!!!
5. UCAS – Student Finance (POWERPOINT)
- It is especially important that parents/guardians view this presentation. It summarises how student finance works, focusing on the financial support available and the conditions around these. It will also consider how the loans are to be repaid as well as considering some courses with different funding arrangements. The presentation is based on 2021-22 figures and will be updated when 2022-23 figures are available.
6. UCAS – Choosing a Course or University (POWERPOINT)
- This presentation does not have any narration as the information is all very self-explanatory. It addresses considerations for choosing a university course and a particular university.
7. UCAS - Year 14 Pupil Reference Information (WORD DOCUMENT)
- This needs to be completed AS FULLY AS POSSIBLE so that we can provide you with the best reference possible. The reference writing team will use the information you provide here alongside information from your subject teachers to compose your reference.
If you have any queries about anything UCAS related then please do not hesitate to contact Mr Martin at smartin782@c2kni.net