Supporting Your Child
Parents/guardians frequently ask us what they can do to support the learning and progress of their son/daughter.
The following tips offer some general advice to parents/guardians in response to this question.
Supporting Your Child
Take steps to assist your son/daughter with his/her personal organisation. Ask to see your son/daughter's daily timetable and ensure that he/she brings the correct books, materials and equipment to school each day.
Check your son/daughter's Student Planner on a daily basis. Make sure that he/she is recording all homework set in school each day and completing homework tasks by the given deadline.
Make sure that your son/daughter is spending the recommended time on homework tasks and independent revision each evening. This is essential to consolidate his/her classroom learning.
Make sure that your son/daughter has a designated study area in the home that is free from distraction and interruption.
Encourage your son/daughter to make use of the school's facilities and resources to support their learning, including the Grainger Centre after school facilities and extra academic support offered by subject staff.
Show an interest in your son/daughter's learning and progress. Find time each day to talk to him/her about his/her experience of school and learning.
Ensure that your son/daughter revises thoroughly and prepares fully for all assessments, including Common Assessments and examinations.
Use the pupil planner and the examination timetables (internal and external) provided by the school to ensure that you are aware of key assessment dates.
In advance of key examination periods, work with your son/daughter to plan a revision schedule and insist that he/she follows this plan.
Encourage your son/daughter to take responsibility for his/her learning and emphasize the importance of him/her developing as an independent learner.
Check your son/daughter's Tracking Progress on a regular basis for information on your son/daughter's assessment results.
Encourage your son/daughter to talk about his/her strengths. Praise and reward your son/daughter for his/her successes and achievements.
Encourage your son/daughter to talk about any difficulties he/she is experiencing with his/her learning. Motivate and support your son/daughter to persevere and work hard to overcome any difficulties he/she is experiencing with learning.
Be aware of your son/daughter's preferred learning style and encourage him/her to use revision strategies that are most effective for him/her.
Make sure that your son/daughter is maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Ensure that he/she is eating properly, taking regular exercise and getting enough sleep, whilst simultaneously fulfilling study commitments.
Look out for signs of stress in your son/daughter and talk to him/her about ways by which he/she may manage stress.
Encourage your son/daughter to get involved in extra-curricular events and activities in school to help him/her to develop personal and social skills.
Be careful that your son/daughter is not trying to juggle too many commitments outside school. If out of school activities are generating too much stress for your son/daughter, interfering with school work and limiting the amount of time your son/daughter has to relax, it may be worth reassessing the importance of certain activities at that particular stage of your son/daughter's life.
Ensure that you are aware of the challenges associated with the transition between each Key Stage and support your son/daughter at key transition stages.
Discuss your son/daughter's future education and career plans/aspirations with him/her on a regular basis. Ensure that your son/daughter has set him/herself realistic goals and keep him/her focused on achieving these goals.
Work in partnership with the school to secure the best outcomes for your son/daughter. For example, support the work of teachers and the school by attending Parent Information Evenings and Key Stage Information Evenings.
Set high expectations for your son/daughter's conduct and effort in school. Make sure that he/she is aware of the sanctions that will be applied in the home for poor conduct and effort.
Ensure that your son/daughter attends school every day. If your son/daughter is unable to attend school due to exceptional circumstances, make sure that he/she completes any work missed during his/her absence.
Ensure that your son/daughter arrives to school punctually each day and encourage him/her to arrive punctually to each lesson.
Avoid making appointments for your son/daughter during the school day.
Book family holidays outside of term time - your son/daughter should not be absent from school for holidays.
In the case of older pupils, ensure that part-time jobs and social activities do not interfere with school commitments.