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Who To Contact

The first port of call for all parents should be your child's Head of Year. Information on who to contact is below. The school switchboard number is : 028 93 363615


Pastoral Care


Mrs Kane is the Senior Teacher in charge of Pastoral Care in the school.




Mrs K Withers is the school's Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator.


Child Protection Issues


Mrs Kane is the designated teacher in charge of Pastoral Care.
Mr Gorman is the deputy designated teacher.

Mr Montgomery is the designated governor for child protection and safeguarding.


Examination Issues


Our Examinations officer is Mr M Irwin. The Examinations Team can deal with any examination enquiries such as 'special circumstances', paper remarks, access to scripts, results enquiry service etc.


Year Group / Head Of Year



Year 8Mr MacDonald


Year 9Miss Lemon


Year 10Mrs Best      


Year 11Mrs Beattie


Year 12Mr Irwin


Year 13Mr Baxter


Year 14 – Mr Gorman


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