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Latest News

Science at Queen's 22nd February

We are pleased to invite you to an upcoming event Science at Queen’s: An event for prospective students and their parents on Thursday 22nd February from 5:30pm.  

This event is targeted students in Year 11-14 who are currently studying/likely to study science subjects their parents/guardians are also welcome to attend.


The event will showcase subject areas such as Archaeology and Palaeoecology; Biological Sciences; Biomedical Science; Chemistry; Geography, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences / Biotechnology, Planning; Psychology and Physics through conversations with current students, staff, and industry employers.

Current Queen's students, academic staff, and industry partners will lead interactive sessions and conversations to provide insider perspectives into each area of study. It is a valuable opportunity for students and parents to deeply explore potential programs side-by-side.


We would be grateful if you could share this event with your students and their parents over the coming weeks leading up to February 22nd.


We hope to meet many of your students at this event and thank you for your help with this. If I have an incorrect email, please let me know who the most appropriate point of contact and I will update our contact list.


Best Wishes



Sian Clifford | Global Student Recruitment Officer

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences


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